Reintegration and Community Services Program
Services are provided to young person aged 12-17 (male/female) at the time of offence, who have been found guilty and are currently on probation, conditional supervision or community supervision orders.
Referrals to the program are made through the local Youth Justice Office by the probation officer.
Services address specific assess needs of the young person and/or conditions of sentence.
Program offers community based outreach services that targets those factors that put youth at risk for further offending behaviour.
Individual community plans are developed for each youth that reflect assessed needs/risks and identify areas of youth, family and community strength.
Intervention strategies are tailored to meet the unique needs and learning styles of each youth.
Services range from support for basic living to more formal and structured programming/counseling.
Services are offered days, evenings and weekends to meet the individual circumstances of each youth.
Crisis response available after business hours evening/weekends.
Programs and Services:
Anger Management and Problem Solving
Coordinating assessment and referral
Crisis Response and Intervention
Educational support
Employment skills training
Family Support & Intervention Services
Gender Specific Programming
Health and Wellness Programming
Life Skills/Social Skills training
Positive Leisure & Recreational Planning
- Substance Abuse Education and Counselling.